JNTUA M.Pharm 1st 2nd Sem Regular & Supply Feb 2018 Exam Notification:
To upload internal marks of M.Pharm I semester Regular students (Ay 2017-18) to examinations portal’JNTUA EMS’ on or before 05:30 PM of 05.02.2O18 (Monday). Internal marks uploaded after 05:30 PM of 05th Feb 2018 will not be considered. Hardcopy of the some duly signed and stamped by the college principol on each sheet should reach Dr.R.Bhavani. Associate Professor of Civil Engneering and Additionol Controller of Examinations, New Examinations Building,Opp.Govt. Polytechnic College, JNTUAnantapur. Ananthapuramu – 515002 (A.P) on or before 09.02.2018 (Friday) by registered/speed post. Please superscribe the cover containing the hard copy of internal marks as M.Pharm/I sem Reg/IM/Feb 18 Exams/<College Code>.

To conduct laboratory examinations from 02.02.2018 to 09.02.2018 ond send the award lists in sealed covers to the address mentioned above on or before 16.02.2018 (Friday) without fail by registered/speed post. The cover may be superscribed as M.Pharm/I & II sem/Reg & Supple/Feb 18/Lab Award Lists/<College Code>You are reguested to finalize the attendance particulars of the students for regular examinations by taking presumptive attendonce for the last week of the academic calendor for the semester and to upload the detained list to the examinations portal ‘JNTUA EMS’ on or before 05:30PM of 22.01:2018 without fail.
JNTUA M.Pharm 1st 2nd Sem Regular & Supply Feb 2018 Exam Notification Click here to download
About Us:
The State Government of Andhra Pradesh through A.P. Govt. Act No.30 of 2008 has separated the erstwhile JNTU into four different Universities viz., JNT University Anantapur, JNT University Kakinada, JNT University Hyderabad and JNA&FA University Hyderabad.
JNT University Anantapur started functioning from the 155 acre campus of one of its Constituent College at Anantapur, since August 2008. As a budding University it is committed to develop and nurture a Technical Education System in the four districts of Rayalaseema viz., Anantapur, Chittoor, YSR, Kurnool districts and SPSR Nellore district which would produce skilled man power of high quality comparable to the best in the world and in adequate numbers to meet the complex technological needs of the economy.
JNTUA, by virtue of the quality of its academic programmes, has consistently been ranked amongst the leading technical Universities in the country. The University has initiated many schemes to assure quality education to the students, career development of faculty members, progression of students towards higher education and generating career opportunities through the campus placement programmes in reputed organizations across the globe. The University is working dedicatedly towards the vision of producing quality technical graduates, competent teachers, scientists and leaders in the academics, research, industry and administration under the guidance and dynamic leadership of its Chairman.