UK Board Result 2021, Uttarakhand Board 10th, 12th Class Results 2021
Result of the UK Board 2021 will be onilne out. The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) on its official website, &, will announce the Uttarakhand Board 10th, 12th Result 2021. However, when it goes out, a reference to this will be available here. It is expected that the UK Board Result 2021 will be out by July. Meanwhile, students have to enter their roll number and captcha to confirm the answer. Now if you want to know the identity given on this page about the scrutiny and the name wise result check it.
UK Board Result 2021
Result of the UK Board 2021 will be available on its official website. The board announced the results for Class 10 and 12 last year at 10:30 am on 30 May. Because of this we think the board will also have the same pattern this year.After this the board will organize the scrutiny process to also be able to verify the content provided on this page about this students. But check the important dates given in the timetable before that:
How To Check Uttarakhand Board 10th, 12th Result 2021

Uttarakhand Board 10th Result 2021 Available Now
The next step of the board is to release the result after the Class 10 test. The result
is available on the official website for class 10th. The result for Class 10 was published last year at 10:30 am on May 30th. The examination for this actually occurred March 02-25. A total of 1,49,950 students showed up for class 10 examination.For that, 76.43 percent of students pass the test. According to the gender, the average ratio of boys and girls was 70.60% and 82.47%. According to this girls in the result outshined the boys. This class’ topper was Ananta Saklani (99 percent) who ranked first. Arpit Barthwal (98.60 percent) and Harish Singh (98 percent) took second and third place.