Telangana University Revised Postponed Regular Theory Exams Feb 2019 Time Table

Telangana University Revised Postponed Regular Theory Exams Feb 2019 Time Table:

TU Degree Time Table 2019 Telangana University Degree Time Table 2019 TU Degree 1st 2nd Final Year Exam Schedule Telangana University UG PG Degree Time Table 2019 BA B.SC B.COM Degree & M.A./M.Sc./M.S.W./M.Com./M.C.A./M.B.A./IMBA./B.Li.Sc PG Exam Date Sheet 2019 – Dear students, Are you searching Degree exam time table of Telangana University 2019, then you final reached on right Place. Here we provide the Telangana University PG Exam Time Table 2019. Telangana University is going to conduct UG PG Degree Annual Exam in March/April Month. TU Degree Time Table for UG 1st 2nd 3rd Year Exam will be display on official website one month before the examination. Telangana University conduct examination in both Semester and Annual System. The Semester exam conduct twice in a year and Annual Exam one time in a year. The timetable will release only on the main official examination portal of the university. students are suggested to keep an eye on the official website as well as bookmark our page for getting the latest update on TU UG PG Degree Exam Schedule. for more information regarding timetable read the complete article.

Telangana University Revised Postponed Exams: M.A/M.Sc/M.S.W/M.Com/M.C.A/M.B.A/IMBA/B.Li.Sc.–Sem I/III/V/VII/IX RegularTheory Examinations–Rescheduled Time-Table As per the subject cited above, M.A./M.Sc./M.S.W./M.Com./M.C.A./M.B.A./IMBA./B.Li.Sc. -I/III/V/VII/IX – Semester Regular Theory Examinations, Dec-18 & Jan-19 Postponed Examinations Re-scheduled from 05/02/2019.The Paper wise time table given below in pdf file format.

Telangana University Revised Postponed Regular Theory Exams Feb 2019 Time Table Click here to download