Mahatma Gandhi University MCA & MBA 1st To 5th Sem Nov 2018 Recounting Fee Notification:
Mahatma Gandhi University MCA & MBA Download the Revaluation Notification of Mahatma Gandhi University MBA & MCA 1st To 5th Sem Reg/Supply Examinations which were conduct in the month of July 2018. The Results of same has been declared. Some of the students may or may not get qualified score. So, Students who are not qualified or not satisfied with thier result, they want to apply for revaluation. Now, all those students are waiting to download revaluation notification. Download the notice through Official Website @
Mahatma Gandhii University conducted MBA II Sem Regular/Supplementary Examinations in the month of July 2018 @ various centres. Many no.of candidates written the exam sucessfully. The results of same were announced recently, some of the candidates did not get expected score. Such candidates can apply for Revaluation of thier score and wait for RV result. We will update the appropriate link as soon as the University uploads the RV Notiifcation officially. The following are the steps to be followed to download the official RV dates.
MBA (TTM) II- Semester( Regular/Backlog) ,Recounting MBA (General ) II – Semester (Regular /Backlog ), Recounting MCA – I,II,III,IV& V – Semesters (Regular /Backlog), Recounting IMBA –II ,V –Semesters ( Regular/Backlog), Revaluation who desire to apply for recounting and revaluation for the examinations held in July, 2018 have to apply on or before 07.12.2018.
Mahatma Gandhi University MCA & MBA 1st To 5th Sem Nov 2018 Recounting Fee Notification Click Here to download