Osmania University D.P.Ed & B.P.Ed 1st & 3rd Sem Regular Nov 2018 Exam Fee Notification:
It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that the D.P.Ed. (Diploma in Physical Education) and B.P.Ed. (Bachelor of Physical Education) I & III-Semesters (Regular) of the Academic Year 2018-2019 candidates of this university will be conducted in the month of December, 2018.
The detailed Time-Table and examination centre will be notified in due course. The schedule for payment of Examination fee and submission of Application forms, duly completed in all respects at the office of the Principal of the concerned college is shown below:
The college login will be closed on the last date i.e. 19.11.2018 at 5.00 p.m..
I. The late fee amount will be levied automatically in case the fee is not Remitted to the O.U.A/c and forms are not submitted as per the above schedule.
II. Principals are requested not to forward/submit the EAF of Not Eligible Candidates. The results of Not Eligible candidates will be cancelled at any stage, if they write the examination.
III. All the regular I & III consolidated internal assessment marks and practical marks will be accepted through online. So all the principals are requested to submit through online only along with one hard copy.
IV. Fee Paid once cannot be refunded or adjusted.
V. There is no backlog examination during the odd semester examinations.
Osmania University D.P.Ed & B.P.Ed 1st & 3rd Sem Regular Nov 2018 Exam Fee Notification Click here to download