Sri Venkateswara University B.Ed 3rd Sem Regular Supply Exam Time Table:
S.V. University Examination Branch Conduct of B.Ed. III Semester Regular/Supplementary End Examinations of February, 2018 Last date for receipt of filled in OnLine Examination Applications Intimation Regarding. The University has introduced the On-Line Application System with photo and signature of the candidates for registration of B.Ed., III Semester Examinations. The concerned colleges have to submit the details of the candidate through the following website and submit a copy of application
to the University along with the details of examinations fee paid through the DZ pay systems.

The Principals of the University and the Affiliated Colleges are requested to guide
the students in filling the Online Examination Applications and payment of fee. Therefore, the Principals of the University Colleges and the Affiliated Colleges, are requested to inform and guide their students to make necessary Payments through DZ Pay System only.
The Examination applications received in the Office of the Controller of Examinations
without sufficient information/ fees/ not having the signature of the Principal will, summarily, be rejected.
Sri Venkateswara University B.Ed 3rd Sem Regular Supply Exam Time Table click here to download
About US:
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati , is established in 1954 in the world famous holy temple town of Tirupati on the sprawling campus of 1000 acres with a panoramic and pleasant hill view. The University stands as a testimony to the wisdom and foresight of great visionaries Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu, the then Chief Minister of Andhra and Late Sri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, to cater the educational needs and aspirations of the people of Rayalaseema area. With a great wisdom, the founder of this University have rightly coined the motto Wisdom lies in proper perspective for it. The University has grown excellently from strength to strength over the past 60 years, as a premier institute of higher learning under the able and committed leaderships of successive Vice-Chancellors starting from Prof. S. Govindarajulu to the present Vice Chancellor Prof. Avula Damodaram. It has gone through greater strides in the transformation of the University with acquiring necessary and modern sophisticated instrumentation to catch up with the world competition in academic and research programmes.