The School Education Department officials, on Monday, said that total of 6,08,157 applications were received for 7,676 teacher posts. K Sandhya Rani, Commissioner of School Education said that payments were received for 6,26,788 application, however, 18,631 applications were not successfully submitted due to errors in entering the hall ticket number. The last date for receiving application for Andhra Pradesh District Selection Committee 2018 (DSC) ended on Sunday.
The maximum number of 3,45,115 applications were received for 3,666 Secondary Grade Teacher (SGT) Posts. As many as 80 candidate will be competing for each post, as per the statistics, a visibly tough competition. Meanwhile the next highest applications of 1,12,197 applications were received for 1,625 non-language School Assistant posts and selection will be on a 1:70 ratio.
Meanwhile, the DSC candidates have held protests in Vijayawada demanding the government to increase the number of posts. “We have waited for four long years for the notifications and there are nearly 22,000 teaching posts vacant in various government schools. Merely filling 7,000 posts will not solve the problem of unemployment in teacher graduates,” said G Ramana, state secretary of DYFI.