JNTU Anantapur Pharm.D 2nd To 5th Year Supplementary Aug 2018 Exam Time Table:
The students appearing for the above examinations commencing from 13.08.2018 are informed that the applications will be received as per the time schedule given below:

Examination Registration Last date:
Without Late Fee 04-08-2018
With Late Fee of Rs. 100/- 07-08-2018
With Late Fee of Rs. 1000/- 09-08-2018
Applications are available at the office of the Principal and duly filled-in applications
should be handed over in the college office along with necessary fee.
Hall tickets will be issued only to the eligible candidates who fulfill the academic requirments of the University.
Applications for supplementary examinations should be submitted along with attested. photocopies of marks sheets pertaining to earlier attempts made by the students.
Details timetable will be notified in the website www.jntua.ac.in.
JNTU Anantapur Pharm.D 2nd To 5th Year Supplementary Aug 2018 Exam Time Table Click here to download