Tamil Nadu TNTET Result 2017: Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB), Tamil Nadu has declared the Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TNTET) results today, 1st July. Aspirants waiting for the TRB TNTET result 2017 can check the result from the TRB official page, trb.tn.nic.in. The TRB has hosted the TNTET result, marks of the competitors. Hence all the candidates those who have attempted the TNTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 can check their results and marks from the official portal. Candidates can go through the article for more information on TRB TNTET result 2017.
TRB TNTET Result 2017 for Paper 1 & Paper 2 Declared – Download Merit List, Cutoff Marks @ trb.tn.nic.in:
The Teachers Recruitment Board Tamil Nadu has organised the TNTET examination for paper 1 and paper 2 on 29th April and 30th April respectively. The TRB has also released the preliminary answer keys of TNTET on 22nd May. All the hopefuls taken the test have checked the TNTET answer keys and are eagerly waiting for the TNTET result 2017. Candidates need not worry to download TNTET result. The results along with marks are declared today, 1st July. Candidates can check their result and can feel relaxed.
This year a huge number of competitors interested in teaching jobs have allied for TNTET examination. As per the statistics announced by TRB, this year 7,53,815 candidates have attempted the test while 2,41,555 appeared for TET paper 1 and 5,12,260 had appeared TET paper 2. The Tamil Nadu TRB has conducted the examination in various examination centres across Tamil Nadu.
This year Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board has not evaluated many answer sheets due to various mistakes made by the applicants. The competitors have made several mistakes regarding the shading or marking the options. Also, few of the candidates have not marked their paper serial code in their OMR sheet. These type of answer sheets were also rejected by the board. In this way, the papers of candidates were considered those have been written the serial code but not shaded/multiple shaded. Though few of the candidates shaded/multiple shaded the language option have also been rejected.
Also, candidates those who have not shade/multiple shade the optional subject for paper 2 (Maths or Science/Social Science) in their answer sheets, their OMR sheets were also rejected. The TRB has said that the correction of papers has been made with respect to the option given by candidate in his/her application, and if no option is marked in the OMR sheet, therefore the OMR sheet could not be corrected, therefore leads to rejection.
Hence, candidates, those have been considered for correction can check their result today from the TRB official portal, trb.tn.nic.in. The results are now available to check. Candidates can hurry up to download their results.
How to Check Tamil Nadu TET Paper 1 and Paper 2 Result 2017?
Step-1: Go to official website trb.tn.nic.in.
Step-2: Now, on the homepage of the website, check for the TNTET Exam Results 2017 and then open the link.
Step-3: Fill all the required detail such as roll number or registration number and date of birth etc.
Step-4: Finally click on submit to submit those details.
Step-5: Finally, your TNTET Scorecard or Results will be displayed on the screen.
Step-6: You can check your results; also take a print out of it and save it for your future reference.